Book Fair in the Library! Sept. 9–16

Be sure and mark your calendars – so you won’t miss our Scholastic Book Fair here at Brookvale. Our Scholastic Book Fair theme—Monster Book Fair—is part of a reading event that brings to school a wonderful selection of fun, engaging, and affordable books kids want to read. Giving kids access to good books and the opportunity to choose their own books will motivate them to read more. And like most acquired skills, the more kids practice reading, the better they’ll get.

Our Book Fair serves as a fundraiser for our school library. The California State Budget no longer provides funding for the purchasing of new library books, so dollars earned through our Book Fair are crucial to keeping our library collection relevant and vibrant.

Book Fair Dates:  Sept. 9 – Sept. 16

Shopping Hours:  Before School 8:10 – 8:30 AM, After School 2:55 – 3:25 PM, Wed. 1:20 – 1:45

Special Events: Back-to-School Night, Sept. 15, 5:30 – 8:00 PM.

Please sign up here to help out at the Book Fair: SignUp Genius



Families, teachers, and staff are the backbone of our strong and supportive public schools community. Family involvement is a long tradition of public school system and one of its greatest strengths. As parents, the more we engage with the school community, the more rewarding the experience will be.

As many of you already know, PTA (Parent Teacher Association) provides such a platform. PTA is a partnership between families and educators to enrich our children’s education.

I am proud to say, our Brookvale elementary is blessed to have a wonderful and well organized PTA. I truly believe that we are at the cusp of an opportunity to make a difference. An opportunity to step up and raise the bar, to take up the role of leadership and responsibility, a role that asks us to work together for a common cause. Each one of us have unique talents, strengths, and skills to share. When we link our individual strengths together, we can achieve amazing results. Each one of us is an essential piece needed to ensure that all of our children at Brookvale benefit immensely.

I also believe these are exciting times for PTA. Technology and social networking offers new means of communicating with more people than ever before. Given the exploding diversity of our community, there is an opportunity to learn from new cultures, share new experiences, and expand the circle of parents who advocate for children.

It’s an opportunity to get involved, to get to know the teachers. When parents get involved, children do better in school and in life. When parents get involved, school quality improves. Parent involvement is the number one factor affecting student success – regardless of socio-economic status, ethnic/racial background, or the parents’ education level.

We encourage you to look for opportunities to volunteer, share your thoughts, ideas, experience and talents. Doesn’t matter if it’s a small or big time commitment – there is always a place for you!

Thank you.

Chandresh Popat – President
Cell – (510) 396-5836
Email –


Welcome to the 2015-16 School Year!

The Brookvale Parent Teacher Association is a partnership between families and educators to enrich our children’s education. We rely on our annual membership to encourage parent involvement and supporting Brookvale Elementary. Brookvale PTA welcomes all families (new and returning) to join our community and help make our school great!

Look for the PTA membership flyer coming home on the first day of school.

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Why SHOULD I join Brookvale PTA?

  1. You show your child that school matters, and that you are invested in their success.
  2. You partner with the principal, teachers, and staff to make your child’s school safe, welcoming, a hub of learning, and a fun place to be.
  3. You share in campus events and experiences that make your child’s school days more memorable.
  4. You connect with other Brookvale parents and the Brookvale community.
  5. You help make sure parents and family members voices are heard when important decisions that affect your school are made.

How DO I join the PTA?

  1. Fill out the PTA envelope listing all family members who want to join. (All family members can join: students, parents, grandparents, even the dog!)
  2. Include $10 membership fee for each member (cash or checks made out to Brookvale PTA.)
  3. Return the envelope to your teacher or the school office.

Note: A valid email address must be included to receive a CAPTA Membership e-card. We will not be distributing paper membership cards this year.

Find out more information about joining the Brookvale PTA.

First Day of School

Don’t forget! The first day of school is Wednesday, August 26th.

There is an informal Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten orientations on Tuesday, August 25th.

Class lists will be posted in the school office at 5pm on Friday, August 21st.

We are looking forward to another great year at Brookvale!