January 30 – Flash Mob Dance for Chinese New Year Celebration

Join the Brookvale community in a Chinese New Year flash mob dance!

The flash mob is on Monday, January 30th at 8am or at the sound of fire crackers (no worries, it is a song track not the real fire crackers). Meeting place is at the Brookvale school flagpole.

Notice will be sent out in advance on the Yahoo list if there is change of date due to weather.

January 30th is January 3rd in the lunar calendar. China and many Asian countries celebrate first 15 days of Jan in lunar calendar.

The flash mob dance for Chinese New Year welcomes non-Chinese dancers! Bring your kids along if you can convince them to participate. The dance is simple. Many kids in China know the dance by heart. The song itself is a household song. It’s a littleĀ like Chinese Zumba šŸ™‚

Flash mob is an experiment of community participation. Come join the experiment and have fun together :-)) Feel free to forward the message to any Brookvale families who may be interested in joining.

The Most Dazzling Folk Style

(The second half teaches dance step by step.)

English Version – Hua Lala’s Song!